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City Nature Challenge: Charlotte BioBlitz

April 27, 2025

City Nature Challenge: Charlotte BioBlitz

April 27, 2025 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join NCWF Charlotte Wildlife Stewards Chapter and Central Carolina Master Naturalists to participate in the City Nature Challenge. Using nets, bug jars, and other field equipment, we will photograph plants, animals, and other WILDlife; and contribute to community science by uploading our observations to iNaturalist!

The City Nature Challenge is an international community science effort for people to document wildlife in cities across the globe. In this bioblitz-style competition, cities compete with each other to see who can make the most observations of living organisms. Participate in the City Nature Challenge by taking pictures of plants and wildlife in your backyard or neighborhood park and uploading them to iNaturalist anytime between Friday, April 25th and Monday, April 28th.



Organizer: NCWF

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