How to Get Involved With NCWF

Wildlife and their habitats face many threats to survival, but together with NCWF, you can give them a fighting chance. Here are 8 ways you can get involved.

Wildlife Chapters

Each local chapter empowers wildlife enthusiasts to take action and have a direct impact on wildlife conservation in their own backyard through educational events, volunteer projects and advocacy.


NCWF sponsors and hosts a variety of educational and family-friendly activities, from local nature walks and online wildlife discussions to our annual governor conservation awards banquet.

Get Email and Text

Subscribe to Wildlife Wire, our monthly newsletter sent to your inbox. Receive Sound Solutions updates and action alerts about marine fisheries, reform and management. Interested in North Carolina pollinators and native plants? Sign-up for our weekly Butterfly Highway e-newsletter. Like to get timely text messages? Sign up for them by texting “Sign Up” to 704-270-2170.

Take Action

Help ensure we’re holding elected officials accountable, and our communities embrace our shared conservation ethic.

Become an Affiliate

Wildlife conservation groups and organizations help comprise a grassroots network for conservation. Affiliates range from youth and adult groups to statewide organizations and local chapters, or local extensions of national or statewide organizations and associations.

Garden for Wildlife

Certifying your yard or garden is a great way to help wildlife and their habitats. Support this effort through the Butterfly Highway, Clean & Green, Certified Wildlife Habitat, Fellowship Actions Impacting Habitat, Wildlife and Industry Together, School Yard Habitat and Wildlife Friendly Development Certification.

Plant Native Seeds

Monarch butterfly habitat is being developed at a tremendous rate, leaving only a few places for them to emerge from their chrysalis and fuel up for the journey south to Mexico. By purchasing and planting native seeds, you can help these and other pollinators survive.

Connect on Social

Follow us on our social media channels. NCWF is on Facebook (@NCWildlifeFederation) and Instagram and YouTube (@ncwildlifefed).

Join the Cause and Make an Impact

Help NCWF preserve wildlife and wild places for our children and future generations. Learn More.