NCWF Conservation Policy
The Environment and Natural Resources Weave the Fabric which Binds Our Economy
If your interests aren’t being heard and recognized, then most likely, your goals won’t be achieved. That’s why NCWF must always be seated at the table, speaking and working for wildlife and habitat and those who enjoy them.
Being “at the table” requires being at many places across North Carolina, especially the state capital during legislative sessions. We’re there day in day out at committee meetings and providing testimony during votes. We’re there as fast-moving bills get introduced, some get killed, and others need amending to ensure there’s a voice for wildlife.
If you’re not at the table, then you’re likely on the menu.
Our top-notch team of policy, government affairs and lobbyists ensures our interests are voiced and worked for in the General Assembly, with our Congressional delegation and within the regulatory realm of our natural resource agencies.
Working on Behalf of Species and Places That Have No Voice
NCWF shows up everywhere as a voice for wildlife, often behind the scenes without fanfare while grinding to make significant changes for wildlife. In many cases, these situations can be a make-or-break difference for conservation.
While this kind of work isn’t as visible as building and erecting a wood duck box, planting a pollinator garden, or seeing children's faces light up when they catch their first fish, the outcomes are significant for wildlife.
NCWF champions the public trust resources of this state—and we champion them all. We remind decision-makers of their duties to uphold the laws that protect natural resources for everyone.
Public Trust Doctrine
The Public Trust Doctrine is the keystone legal component of fish and wildlife conservation. It mandates resources be held in government trust for the benefit of all present and future generations, and that states hold natural resources in trust for the people.
It’s also the basis for the North American Model for Fish and Wildlife Conservation. These resources belong to all the people and the state must manage them in the best interests based on scientific management principles and the concept of equal access and fair chase.
Without these basic principles to guide the development of modern fish and wildlife management programs at the state and federal levels we could not have the progressive programs of today based upon science, the welfare of the resource, and the best interests of all the public.
NCWF works to ensure the commercialization of wildlife resources doesn’t permeate North Carolina. We work for investments in water and land infrastructures and for conservation that pays a hefty dividend on returns. We work for wildlife-friendly energy by supporting renewable energy in North Carolina. We work to ensure waterways and drinking water sources aren’t fouled, that working farms remain just that, and that all creatures are considered when policy decisions are made.
Join the Cause and Make an Impact
Help NCWF preserve wildlife and wild places for our children and future generations. Learn More.