Nearing the Finish Line: iNaturalist Bioblitz Update

“One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, “What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?” – Rachel Carson
One more week! Let’s all channel our inner eastern racer and race to the finish line!
9,815 species have been observed. We’re so close to 10 thousand! And we’re so close to 200 thousand total observations!
Total – 186,214 observations, 9,863 species WOW
Species with the most observations – Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (1291), Common Box Turtle (856), Eastern Bumblebee (720), Green June Beetle (480), Silver-Spotted Skipper (479), Yellow Garden Spider (442), Green Anole (426), Common Jewelweed (423), Webworm Moth (422), Eastern Carpenter Bee (400).
1st Place: NC Piedmont – 84,046 observations, 5,675 species
2nd Place: NC Mountains – 70,998 observations, 5,550 species
3rd Place: NC Coastal Plain – 31,170 observations, 3,617 species
Most Observations for Each Region:
NC Coastal Plain: harrier (965 observations)
NC Piedmont: davidgeorge (1,997 observations)
NC Mountains: denisewill (1,129 observations)
Most Species for Each Region
NC Coastal Plain: steven307 (350 species)
NC Piedmont: davidgeorge (679 species)
NC Mountains: denisewill (523 species)
Written by:
– Luke Bennett, NCWF Conservation Coordinator