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Photo by: Steve Genkins


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February 16, CWS Salamander Stroll NCWF Charlotte Wildlife Stewards Chapter joined Naturalist Rob Van Epps to search for salamanders at West Branch Nature Preserve. Twenty-five people attended despite the windy and wet conditions. They were rewarded with four species of salamanders including a marbled salamander on the first log roll! Participants also encountered a dusky salamander, white-spotted slimy salamander, and a spotted salamander. The salamanders pictured here were handled with the utmost care and attention to their well-being!

Thanks to Our Volunteers! – February 2025 Community Wildlife Chapter Updates

North Carolina Wildlife Federation staff and Community Wildlife Chapter volunteers were in full swing throughout the month of February, they connected people to the outdoors via webinars, native tree and…

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) by Michael Burkhard, NCWF Photo Contest Submission

Habitats and HOAs -10 Ways to Create a Wildlife Habitat Within Community Guidelines

North Carolina, like much of our country, faces a significant habitat problem. The available spaces where wildlife can thrive—finding food, water, shelter, and safe places to raise young—are increasingly scarce. …


Statewide Conservation in Action – Meet the NCWF Outreach Team!

Are you new to NCWF or looking to learn more about our dedicated outreach team? We’ve got you covered. Protecting, conserving, and restoring wildlife across the state requires a collective…

America's Top 10 Federal Conservation Laws for the Protection, Preservation and Enhancement of Wildlife and Wild Places

America’s Top 10 Federal Conservation Laws for the Protection, Preservation and Enhancement of Wildlife and Wild Places

When thinking about the recent work of the U.S. Congress, an old adage comes to mind: “To know where you are going, you have to know where you’ve been.” The…

gov awards

N.C. Wildlife Federation Announces 60th Annual Governor’s Conservation Achievement Award Recipients

North Carolina Wildlife Federation has announced the winners of its 60th Annual Governor’s Conservation Achievement Awards. Honorees for 2025 include agency professionals, elected officials, volunteers and organizations committed to North…

January 12, Pembroke Creek Park Litter Cleanup & Invasive Species Removal: NCWF Wildlife Habitat Stewards of Northeastern NC Chapter hosted a litter cleanup and invasive species removal project at Pembroke Creek Park in Edenton. Volunteers removed over 210 lbs of litter and about 50 lbs of invasive phragmites from crucial wetland habitat.

Thanks to Our Volunteers! – January 2025 Community Wildlife Chapter Updates

North Carolina Wildlife Federation staff and Community Wildlife Chapter volunteers were in full swing throughout the month of January, although they took a short hiatus for the holiday they still…

Pileated woodpeckers (by Griffin Nagle), white-tailed deer (by Dee-Dee Schwar), Eastern rat snake (by Carmen Cromer)

Family Matters – Explore North Carolina’s Wildlife Family Units

For some, it’s the sound of chicks chirping from a porchside wren nest. For others, it’s the sight of a doe and her yearling fawns from a deer stand. Or…

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Wintering Wildlife – 3 Ways North Carolina Species Brave the Cold Season

What do you know about wintering wildlife? In December, the coldest months of the year are upon us. In the winter, you’re probably sitting in a temperature-controlled building, or wearing…

Photos: Red fox family (Vulpes vulpes) by Michael Burkhard, Red Wolf crossing sign on Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Black bear cub (Ursus americanus) by Ginger Barger

Exciting News for North Carolina Wildlife: A $25 Million Investment In Wildlife Crossings and Road Safety

Road Crossings Secure Safe Passage for NC Wildlife The Federal Highway Administration awarded $25 million to North Carolina for  wildlife crossings, making roads safer for wildlife and people. This is…

Photo Credit: Joe Madison, USFWS

A Significant Step Forward for Red Wolf Recovery: NCWRC’s New Resolution

On December 5, 2024, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) took a crucial step forward in collaboration toward Red Wolf recovery efforts by adopting a resolution that supersedes previous state agency…

Photo: Black Bear (Ursus americanus) by Cassia Rivera, NCWF Photo Contest Submission

The State of Our Wildlife – 2024 Year In Review

“When I consider that the nobler animals have been exterminated here – the cougar, the panther, lynx, wolverine, wolf, bear, moose, deer, the beaver, the turkey and so forth, I…

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Post-Hurricane Helene Cleanups: The North Carolina Wildlife Federation’s Efforts to Restore Lake Norman

When Hurricane Helene swept through North Carolina, the impact on Lake Norman’s waterways and shorelines was devastating – destroying critical wildlife habitat and millions of dollars of infrastructure. In the…