Hiking for Habitat: Day 15, April 6
April 6 (32 miles)
Big day today. 32 miles from Moores Creek National Battlefield to Singletary Lake State Park. Huge storms last night. My tent was in the perfect spot, so I stayed nice and dry by my standards. I spent the majority of the morning learning about the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge, the first decisive patriot victory of the American Revolution. The bridge itself stretched over swampy terrain and led into a forest of longleaf and loblolly pine. The temperature reached 80 today. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the road melted my shoes. I traveled painfully slow on country roads that seemed to stretch an eternity with only an audiobook for company. The owner of Kelly General Store offered to buy my water and snacks. He went on and on about the MST hikers who had stopped in his store. I felt comfort knowing I wasn’t the only one. I shuffled along until finally, around 7 p.m. I arrived at Singletary Lake State Park. Pure ecstasy as I threw down my backpack and sat down to rest. Perfect campsite, thunder and lighting in the distance.