Connecting Kids and Families to Wildlife in Northeastern North Carolina

In the Northeastern region of the state, the NCWF Wildlife Habitat Stewards of Northeastern NC Chapter works diligently year-round to provide opportunities to get people of all ages outside and bring awareness to the diverse wildlife species and habitats of this region. Through a variety of partnerships ranging from local state parks to community organizations, the chapter advocates for wildlife and habitat through habitat restoration projects, educational programs, and nature outings. In close partnership with Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), NCWF is able to cultivate a variety of educational opportunities, with the support of community partners, for children and adults that foster an appreciation for the unique wildlife and habitats across Eastern North Carolina.
NCWF and Pocosin Lakes NWR frequently partner with Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft for collaborative opportunities that merge art and nature. From September through May, monthly programs are offered that encourage curiosity in the outdoors while honing new artistic skills. Some examples include basket weaving with invasive irises, creating clay toad abodes, and building bird and bat houses.
Connect Kids to Wildlife Through ecoEXPLORE Programs
In partnership with Tyrrell County Library, NCWF and Pocosin Lakes NWR host monthly ecoEXPLORE programs at the library where local youth come together to learn more about how they can all become community scientists while participating in wildlife activities that strengthen their knowledge on North Carolina wildlife. Community science programs like ecoEXPLORE allow children of all skill and interest levels to become community scientists through making meaningful observations that are reported through iNaturalist. Developed by the North Carolina Arboretum, ecoEXPLORE is an innovative statewide program devoted to exploring the outdoors and learning more about our state’s unique wildlife and plant species! To learn more, visit
Connect Kids to Wildlife Through Preschool Programs
During the summer months, NCWF and Pocosin Lakes NWR offer weekly preschool programs. These opportunities are geared towards the youngest future conservationists so that they can learn more about wildlife and plants in their area and explore the wetland habitat along the Scuppernong River Interpretive Boardwalk. Summer bear tours on the refuge are also offered where participants can enjoy learning about the biology and history of black bears in Eastern North Carolina while observing them in their natural habitat. To learn more about programs offered through this partnership, visit