NCWF Welcomes New Board Members Luis Martinez and Jon Wall

Meet our newest board members!
While energy attorney Luis Martinez and employment attorney Jon Wall practice areas of law that are miles apart, they sit at the same table when it comes to wildlife and habitat conservation. We’re pleased to welcome Martinez and Wall as the newest board members of North Carolina Wildlife Federation’s Board of Directors and thank them for their deep passion and commitment to our mission and our state’s wildlife and wild places.

Luis Martinez, Asheville
Luis Martinez
Luis Martinez is senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in its climate and clean energy program, where he focuses on enabling the transition to clean energy at the state and regional level, in addition to frequent local and international projects.
Martinez specializes in eliminating energy sector pollution through climate policy, regulation, clean energy programs and legislation by building partnerships with local and regional groups, academic institutions and businesses. He received his law degree from Tulane University School of Law. Among other legal work prior to joining NRDC, he worked for Puerto Rico’s Environmental Quality Board.
“I am extremely excited and pleased to be a board member of this wonderful organization,” Martinez said. “In my professional career, I’ve specialized in climate and energy policy and I look forward to engaging in some of my other personal interests like species and habitat protection and exploring opportunities to combine these areas to address climate resiliency.”
Martinez enjoys hiking, fishing and camping with his three young boys. He points to the NCWF’s big tent philosophy as uniquely tuned to today’s challenges and is looking forward to helping connect diverse communities to nature.

Jon Wall, Greensboro
Jon Wall
A partner with Higgins Benjamin, PLLC in Greensboro, Jon Wall is a seasoned employment attorney with cases throughout the state. Wall received his law degree from Washington & Lee University School of Law after attaining his B.A. from Duke University.
He has taught as an adjunct professor at Elon University School of Law and has served on its board of advisors since the law school opened in 2006. Wall has served on numerous boards and associations including the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro.
From volunteering for the Bermuda Biological Station as a teenager to starting the Piedmont Mycological Association in 2012, Wall has enjoyed the outdoors since childhood.
“Understanding human impact on wildlife, and protecting these unique habitats, is paramount at this time,” Wall said. “NCWF is a special organization I have long admired. I’m impressed with the commitment of the hard-working board and staff and look forward to providing my legal knowledge and other skills towards the cause.”