NCWF Corporate Action Day for Pollinators at the Boys & Girls Club

It is an honor to work with NC communities and locals for wildlife and habitats across the state because that’s where real change happens. Recently, NCWF’s Tara Moore and Mary Bures organized volunteers from Optima Engineering to plant pollinator and vegetable gardens and clear a nature trail at Milton Road Boys and Girls Club. Click here to see the crew in action.
NCWF’s Great Outdoors University (GoU) has partnered with this Boys and Girls Club location several times to take kids on experiential learning day trips in nature at no cost to them or their families. NCWF has also installed another pollinator garden on the Club’s property in the past.
The new gardens and trail will be kept up by the Boys and Girls Club for educational purposes. As a result, an appreciation of the outdoors will be formed in these future stewards of the natural environment. We are grateful to the volunteers from Optima Engineering who came out to make a difference for pollinators and local kids!
GoU is a conservation-based experiential education program that offers outdoor adventures to kids ages 6-18 who have limited chances to explore the natural world. It helps kids learn the importance of conserving special places for wildlife. The program provides opportunities for youth to gain new skills, build self-confidence, mentor with positive role models and experience teamwork and hands-on problem solving – whether by exploring a lake in a canoe, learning to fish, observing wildlife up close, romping through the woods or mucking about in creeks.
Click here to support NCWF community action days and other wildlife education and stewardship programs.