Hiking for Habitat: Day 21, April 12

April 12, 2022
April 12 (27 miles)
27 miles today from East Clayton Community Park to Buffaloe Road Athletic Park. Larry (MST trail angel) dropped me back off at the park, where I was met by Monty Moree and Chad Chandler with NCWF’s South Wake Conservationists chapter, Julie Brown from NCWF’s Raleigh office, Catherine White with the Town of Clayton, and a few reporters. It was super fun to chat with everyone and once again remind myself of why I decided to set out on this hike. Heart and belly are full. Short busy road walk before reaching downtown Clayton where I loaded up on snacks and water. The MST led me along the Neuse River on a greenway trail. I hiked slow and steady, sparking up conversations and soaking in the scenery.
- Watch the Spectrum News clip
- Read the CBS 17 article, NC hiker on 8-week mission to walk 1k miles makes a stop in Clayton
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