NCWF Welcomes Dr. Stacy Nelson to the Board

Dr. Stacy Nelson was recently elected to the NCWF board of directors.
Nelson received his B.S. in Biology from Jackson State University, his Masters in Marine Science/Resource Management and Policy from William and Mary, and his Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from Michigan State University.
A professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, Center for Geospatial Analytics, at N.C. State University, Nelson is also the Interim Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion for NCSU’s College of Natural Resources. He has had a wide range of field and lab experiences from open ocean, coastal and wetland sampling, to monitoring trout species in the Appalachian Mountains, to working with veterinary medical students on bear movements, wolf habitats, and freshwater mussel metabolomics.
“I am extremely excited and pleased to be a board member of this prestigious organization,” says Nelson. “I would like to help lead and expand the reach of the organization on how the board thinks about and promotes developing a more inclusive agenda that leads to cultivating wider appreciations, stewardship, and support of our natural resources.”
Nelson notes that “all of my work requires being able to talk, share and listen to not only experts in the field, but also watermen, anglers, hunters, farmers, naturalists and concerned citizens and school children. These groups often get left out of the peer and scientific journals, but are the groups of people that can have the greatest impact in caring for each of these resources. We must do everything we can to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to be heard.”